Cartoon – ‘Facing the Consequences’ #SocialMedia

As I browse through the web I often find content and posts that are really really good. Many of them I Tweet about (@hopkinsdavid) and some I think are so good I want to ‘preserve’ by adding to my blog.

This is one of them.

I have done a fair amount of reading and research around the use of Social Media and Social Networks by students that this will not come as any surprise to my loyal readers that the cartoon below, created by Flea Palmer, called “Facing the consequences… a social networking horror story!

Enjoy … and it’s best viewed full-screen.

This is what Flea says about the cartoon:

“The storyboard (above) was created using the excellent Toonlet, a free ‘web comic blogging’ tool, although I confess I cheated and also modified some of the panels using Photoshop.”

I have started looking at Toonlet and will let you know how I get on in a later post, but so far it’s looking fun.