4Cs: Communication, Collaboration, Critical thinking and Creativity

I found this video on Twitter tonight thanks to David Walker (@drdjwalker) who re-tweeted the video from The Partnership of 21st Century Skills.

The video is called “Above and Beyond: the story of the 4Cs”. Enjoy

The video is described as;

“In an increasingly complex, demanding and competitive 21st century, students need to learn more than the 3R’s they are tested on in school. It’s time to help them go “above & beyond”, by embracing the 4Cs –communicationcollaborationcritical thinking and creativity.

“To get the word out to about the “3Rs + 4Cs” approach, P21 and FableVision partnered to produce a short, animated film called Above & Beyond. Enjoy & share, so we can help ALL our students flourish in the 21st century.”

What I took from this video is that it is a good example of how two different perspectives can work together, whether they complement or conflict with each other, to produce something truly unique (and hopefully something that works). But also it is through such trial-and-error that learning takes place, ideas are developed, and relationships are built.

Go on, when was the last time you encountered an opportunity to do all 4C’s?