Inspiring keynote of the past?

Day 16 of the #JuneEdTechChallenge and we’ve been asked about an inspiring keynote of the past.

For me there have been two, both from previous ALTC events – Audrey Watter and Ian Livingstone

Firstly, Audrey Watters at the 2014 ALTC in Warwick. I believe this was my first ALTC in person, and when I learned the real background to what is a luddite.

ALTC 2014: Audrey Watters – Ed-Tech, Frankenstein’s Monster, and Teacher Machines

Secondly, from ALTC again, back In Warwick again, but this time in 2016. The amazing Ian Livingstone, the author of the fighting fantasy books I loved in my youth, spoke about coding and collaboration.

ALTC 2016: Ian Livingstone – Code Create Collaborate

Don’t get me wrong, there have been many great keynotes and event presentations, including:

  • This is Day 16 of the 30-day JuneEdTechChallenge. Follow the challenge on my JuneEdTechChallenge blog tag and on Twitter using the #JuneEdTechChallenge hashtag. And write your own entries too. The list of challenges is as follows:

Photo credit: Costantino Beretta