Speed Check

Just like driving the same route to the shops, or cross-country to visit friends or family, every now and then you’ll look down and check your speed.

Most of the time I’d say I’m fairly confident I’m at or very near the speed limit for the road – after having my license and driving for over 30 years I’m fairly well attuned to my speed. but it’s still worth checking to be sure, and to be safe.

So what about how you’re living your life and doing your work? Do the requests and projects ever mount up you feel they’re getting on top of you? Is running around during the week and at weekend ferrying kids to their friends or clubs, and not having the chance to do those small jobs you’ve been putting off, getting to you?

In checking your speed while driving you’re making sure you’re safe and legal, so the same is true when you check yourself in your work – am I doing enough, is this work on time/budget or up to standard, do I have the capacity for that extra project I really want to join? What about your expectation of colleagues or students – is the pace/speed right, is there enough information for your students and provided at the right time for them to get on with it, or even is it time to check in with them to see if they need to check themselves too?

When was the last time you checked yourself? Is it time for another speed check?

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash